
有些廣告 是以新功能或新產品吸引沒有使用經驗的族群嚐鮮
有些廣告 是以獨到的訴求觸及已有使用經驗的人換購
HTC這兩支新廣告 則是讓所有手機世代 想起自己從第一支手機到現在的行動通訊生活經驗
搭配上優異的拍攝質感(音樂 剪接....) 品牌形象真是大加分!!

It’s the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night. It stresses you out. It calms you down. It helps you remember. It helps you forget. It keeps you connected. It the only thing you own which is always within arms reach. Which is why you don't need to get a phone. You need a phone that gets you, and you , and you. And we are hTC.

台灣播的是最上面那支 這一分鐘的版本則還沒出現
各有各的特色 但是主軸沒變
我個人是比較喜歡一分鐘版 畢竟人老了 看到很多橋段都會投射到自己的過去:)
You are different from you. And you are trying to forget about work. Well you are working later again. And you miss your kids. And you miss the waves. And you can’t believe what you just saw. And you need to laught. And you need to cry. And you just can’t get out of your mind. You just want to know he is ok. But you need a place to eat. So you start and listen to that band you saw that time near that place. What you want everyone know you are almost there. And you want to share. And you want to think. And you are trying to remember. And you are trying to forget. And you come to realize. You don't need to get a phone. You need a phone that gets you, and you , and you. And we are hTC.

就是有種說不上來的清爽 加上不錯的文案
跟這次HTC的廣告相比 兩者我都給滿分


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